Anti-Heroes: The Day I Lost Faith In My Theological Heroes


**WARNING: Sexual Content** *This is a bit of a long one, but I think it needs to be. There are several moving parts and I want to make sure I make them all clear* I love theology and biblical studies, and I love reading the works of great thinkers. And as an INTP according to the Myers-Briggs system of personality profiling, my personality is highly driven towards seeking truth and accuracy. Unlike many others, I’m not very swayed by emotional arguments (not to put down emotions) – I want to see your working out. How did you come to your conclusion? What data are you using and how valid is that data? One of the great things for someone like me in reading books on theology and biblical studies is that often scholars go to great pains to show their working out. They don’t just make assertions without evidence, they take the time to explain and often use copious footnotes so you can check their sources for yourself. This week, however, there was a major incident (which I’ll get to in a moment) that prompted a flood of responses online, including several official analyses by some high profile biblical scholars/professors […]

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